Sunday, July 11, 2010

Offically a BIG GIRL!!!!!!

Kali is officially a big girl!!! lol

Well she's been my big girl since she turned one a couple of days ago, but she's become an even bigger BIG girl because ..................... wait for it .......................................

She got her ears pierced Friday!!

YAY KALI!!!!!!

She did really well.  She had an audience (what was that about).
We went to Wal-mart and at the time, there was NO ONE in the jewelery department except us.

Then I guess once people realized that a baby was getting their ears pierced we had an instant audience.
I held Kali (of course, while dad was off to the side).
Two associates had to be present to pierce her ears.  When they walked up on her sides, she was like, "what are ya'll doing?"  She kept looking from side to side and each one of them.

Then came the moment of truth.
Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn ................

I held her while the pierced her ears.
I almost cried when she screamed out.
It was hard, but her father and I calmed her down.

She did really good, I mean really good.
So now my big girl has her ears pierced.

I wonder if people will stop asking if she is a boy or girl now, but wait they ask that even when seeing her in ALL PINK!!! (what's up with that?!)

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